Robert Kiyosaki is the author of the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad and he recently spoke about the metals, gold and silver and their potential to reel in huge returns in the market. They can easily compete with Bitcoin.
Kiyosaki’s Thoughts On Gold, Silver And Bitcoin
Kiyosaki mentioned in a tweet that Gold and Silver, some of the most valuable metals in the world, are gifts that God bestowed on man. Gold is more valuable than Silver but Silver deposits are becoming more and more depleted every day. As a result of this, its value may go higher. His take is therefore that it would be better to invest in Silver. He went and added the fact that any person can invest in silver before it runs out.
Gold &Silver Gods$ put on earth by God. Problem gold is multple X more expensive than silver. Silver an industrial precious metal growing more rare as used up. To me silver is better bargain as long term investment. Best of all everyone can silver. Get it? Got it? B4Gone?
— Robert Kiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) August 14, 2023
Gold is more expensive limits the number of investors who would like to buy it. Kiyosaki does not that Silver and Bitcoin have favourable prices if anyone wants to enter. At the moment, the value of Silver is at 22.69$ per ounce and therefore not too pricy compared to Gold which is trading at 1195$ per ounce.
He has been hopeful that the prices of these assets will increase throughout the year. Noting that the economy of the USA has been suffering for a while now, he adds that anybody who takes the chance to invest in any of the assets mentioned above might not suffer that much.
In July, he was hopeful that Bitcoin would reach 120,000$. Bitcoin has been lingering around the 30500$ for quite some time now and the major influence it has at the moment is the decision concerning the Bitcoin ETF applications approval by SEC. SEC was expected to make the announcement last week on Friday but they postponed the decision therefore not affecting the value of the token as much.
The Bitcoin halving is expected to take place in 2024 reducing the number of the tokens and increasing the value of it at the same time.
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