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Were there Play-to-earn games before crypto, and how GameFi is changing the industry

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Getting into the game is easy. You need to press a couple of buttons and the player will immediately receive a legendary sword or armor.

But earning is not so easy. There are auctions and secondary markets created by the communities of these games, where players trade among themselves.

But buying and selling on unofficial platforms is not reliable and not always profitable in relation to the time spent.

Of course, there are other ways to earn money: streaming on Twitch, boosting accounts and bot farming. But we will not touch on them, because. they are not related to the concept of “Play-to-earn”.

Economic games

golden mines

Economic simulator with 1.7 million players. For 8 years of existence, paid 102 million rubles.

Almost 2,000,000 people, why so many GameFi ?

Quick payback, stabilization fund, adequate tech. support and transparent payments attracted players.

How to make a profit?

You need to buy a tariff plan, there are five of them: baby, student, specialist, experienced, pro.

Depending on the plan, different amounts of ore will be mined (from 7 to 9650 units of ore per hour).

After “mining”, the ore is converted into gold, and it is already into money. The money, however, is quite small, which is logical GameFi .

The site cannot pay large amounts. So, this is a project for small passive income. One of the few “fair” economic games.

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