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Trump Gains a Crypto Ally: Ark Invest’s Cathie Wood Backs His Bid

Trump Gains a Crypto Ally Ark Invests Cathie Wood Backs His Bid

Cryptocurrency is poised to play a pivotal role in the upcoming US presidential election. With the SEC recently greenlighting spot Bitcoin ETFs and potentially approving spot Ether ETFs, the political stakes surrounding cryptocurrencies have never been higher.

Crypto-Friendly Trump for the Win?

In a surprising turn, Ark Invest CEO Cathie Wood has publicly endorsed Donald Trump, citing economic achievements from his previous term. Wood, a staunch advocate for cryptocurrencies, highlighted the economic prosperity during the first three years of Trump’s administration. Echoing the sentiments of economist Arthur Laffer, Wood described this period as “the best in U.S. economic history.”

Speaking at a Las Vegas conference hosted by financial influencer Kevin Paffrath, Wood emphasized her focus on economic policies when casting her vote.

Major Crypto Donations Bolster Trump Campaign

The intersection of cryptocurrency and politics is further highlighted by the Winklevoss twins’ substantial donation of $2 million in Bitcoin to Trump’s campaign. This move underscores Trump’s growing support within the crypto community. Known for his pro-crypto stance, Trump has openly welcomed cryptocurrency donations and has advocated for the broader adoption of digital assets, including NFTs and Bitcoin mining.

Raphael Zagury, Chief Investment Officer at Swan Bitcoin, believes that Trump’s crypto-friendly comments and donation strategies will elevate the cryptocurrency agenda and positively impact the industry.

Also Read: Gemini Founders Donate $2M in Bitcoin to Support Trump’s 2024 Campaign

Biden Campaign Also Engages with Crypto

On the other side, President Joe Biden’s campaign is also tapping into the crypto sector. Engaging with the industry through Coinbase Commerce, the Biden campaign signals a bipartisan acknowledgement of cryptocurrency’s rising political importance.

Ark Invest’s Continued Commitment to Crypto

Ark Invest, a pioneer in crypto investments, continues to expand its footprint in the digital asset space. Having launched the first ETF to invest in Bitcoin in 2015, Ark Invest maintains significant holdings in crypto-related companies like Coinbase. The first televised presidential debate between Biden and Trump on June 27 is expected to spotlight crypto and economic policies, potentially shaping the future of the cryptocurrency market.

Political Funding, Crypto, and More

Cathie Wood’s endorsement of Trump, combined with the Winklevoss twins’ donation, underscores the influential role of crypto leaders in political funding strategies. Their support for candidates promising favourable regulatory environments for digital assets highlights a growing trend within the industry.

As the November election approaches, the interplay between crypto and politics is set to make this election a critical juncture for the future of digital assets in the US.

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