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Grand Prix Season Singapore 2023 Teams Join Forces With Affyn For Metaverse Event

Grand Prix Season Singapore 2023 Teams Join Forces With Affyn For Metaverse Event 1


The Grand Prix will take place in Singapore in a short while. As a result of their collaboration, Affyn intends to host a sizable event to highlight the advancements in the metaverse industry.

The Big Reveal of The Grand Prix And Affyn

In the approaching month, Affyn intends to organize a Web 3.0 and Art Meets Metaverse event. The event is scheduled to occur on September 16 from 1 to 4 PM, Singapore time.

The attendees will enjoy a lecture show, an exhibition, and an experience zone while at the event. They will also receive a taste of how technology dissemination in the past, present, and future has influenced and altered the field of art.

The attendees will also be able to take in developments made within the metaverse. The relationship and the event are both exciting to the CEO.


He says, according to U.Today:

“We are honoured to work with GPSS as it highlights Affyn’s intention to support government initiatives and advance Web 3.0 advances. With GPSS, an event sponsored by STB, and as the sole official Web 3.0 company cooperating with it, there is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of business advances. We’re excited to collaborate with Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 brands to demonstrate to a larger audience how the metaverse is improving the world.”

Introducing A Metaverse Segment To Newbies

Affyn, one of the most influential cryptocurrency start-ups in Singapore, creates an interconnected Multiverse of games and metaverses using blockchain technology.

In 2022, the company garnered momentum as a result of the success of its Generation Zero NFT Collection, which sold out in less than two minutes despite a bearish downturn in the NFT market. Affyn’s native cryptocurrency FYN is listed on several significant Tier 1 CEXes, such as, MEXC, Bitrue, and BitMart, as well as on QuickSwap and OpenOcean DEXes.

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