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The SlyGuys : Sylvester Stallone NFT to rock NFT arena this April.

The SlyGuys : Sylvester Stallone NFT to rock NFT arena this April.

Non fungible tokens or NFTs are becoming a popular and widely used method by celebrities to interact with their fans and increase their popularity and monetary gains as well at the same time.  

Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, Grimes, Snoop Dogg, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, Johnny Depp, and many other celebrities from music, fashion, sports, and movie are already involved in the NFT world by minting their own NFTs or by holding NFTs. 

NFTs have now become symbols of class and lifestyle. They give their holders exclusive rights to merch, services, and clubs that are inaccessible by people who do not possess NFTs.

They can use the NFTs as brands, copyright them and incentivise them. This time it’s the famous American actor Sylvester Stallone.

Stallone is also a screenwriter, director, and popular too by the name Sly Stallone who had starred in blockbuster films like Rocky and Rambo sequels and is the lone US actor to reach number one at the box office in six straight decades.

He recently came up in a video on his Instagram @officialslystallone, with the declaration of launching the SlyGuys, his own NFTs which will be available at, a website said to be designed and curated by Stallone himself.

What are the SlyGuys?

SLYGuys are a limited edition of commemorative NFTs built on the erc20, or the Ethereum is the official place and website for the presale.

Only 9,997 NFTs have been created that describe Stallone’s life and film career, and each of the NFTs are unique, with over 200 traits like the boxing gloves, costumes, or the weapons he had used in the movies.

25 of the rarest NFTs will be signed by Stallone himself to make them extra special. These 1/1 Golden Signature SLYGuys will be up for auction at, the official secondary market partner to 

Anyone holding 3 SLYGuys will have access to the ultimate Stallone experience, real-life events like meeting with Stallone, gala dinner, cocktail, after-party, movie, and much more at South Florida later this year.

Invitation-only pre-sale: 

Stallone fans must show their SLYLove to get selected for purchasing the SLYGuy NFTs – as stated in the press release. The fans need to make a 1-minute video and post it on any social media.

It can be an impression, art, or a performance that shows their love for Stallone, or what effect Stallone has on their lives. The best SLY fans will be pre-listed for the NFT sale.

The tokens will be available for sale in April 2022 on and any unsold tokens, if any, will be available later at Opensea. The SLYGuys can only be purchased through the Metamask wallet and payment through Ethereum, and not fiat currency.

The selected purchasers of the SLYGuys need to have Ethereum in their Metamask wallet to pay for the floor price and the gas, and the initial floor prices of the NFTs are yet to be announced.

” These NFTs are so much more than just digital collectibles ” – Stallone said in his Instagram video.

Based on Stallone’s popularity, and his elite class, most probability is that these NFTs will be hotcakes among Stallone fans and his film world co-workers because they won’t lose the chance to be the members of the SLY club.

A few more days wait and the curtains will be unveiled, and we might get to see some hit SLYGuys in the world of NFTs.

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