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The Russian blockchain platform Atomyze plans to issue tokens for the purchase of apartments inNorilsk

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If the residents of the city want to move, they can sell housing for tokens or exchange it for an apartment in another city.

  • Vladimir Potanin spoke about the launch of the pilot program in an interview with Bloomberg. Interros, which he owns, is one of Atomyze ‘s investors. The launch date of the program has not been specified.
  • As part of the project, Atomyze plans to create tokens for the purchase of apartments and, together with Rosbank, launch a related mortgage program.
  • When people want to move, they can sell real estate for tokens and exchange them for money or housing in another city, Potanin said.
  • According to Potanin, Interros is also negotiating with the Hermitage to issue NFTs for works of art that could be used to fund their restoration.
  • In 2019, Potanin said in an interview with Bloomberg that the company is developing a platform for trading metal-backed tokens. Potanin’s investments in the project amounted to about $100 million. Then he clarified that Norilsk Nickel plans to sell 20% of the metal through the crypto platform in the next few years.
  • In 2020, Norilsk Nickel launched testing of a digital currency investment platform on the Central Bank platform. The project has been approved by the regulator. On February 3, 2022, the Central Bank chose the Atomyze blockchain platform as the first operator to issue digital tokens in Russia.
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