The Telegram messaging platform has issued its first official statement addressing the detention of its CEO, Pavel Durov. Amid growing speculation and concern, the company has made it clear that Durov has nothing to hide and regularly travels throughout Europe, signalling their full confidence in the situation’s resolution.
Uncertainty Surrounds Durov’s Detention as France Remains Tight-Lipped
The status of Telegram’s CEO remains shrouded in mystery, as French authorities have yet to provide clear information or cooperate with the Russian embassy. This has left the public and Telegram’s vast user base in the dark about the specifics of Durov’s detention. Despite the lack of transparency from French officials, an official statement is expected to be released on Monday, August 26, which could shed light on the situation.
Telegram Stands by Durov, Calls for Swift Resolution
In a message posted on Telegram’s News channel on August 25 at approximately 12:00 PM PST, the company voiced its unwavering support for Pavel Durov. The statement, which emphasizes the company’s solidarity with its founder, reflects Telegram’s hope for a speedy resolution to the unfolding scenario.
The statement, however, did little to clarify the exact nature of Durov’s situation. Reports have surfaced suggesting that his detention might be related to Telegram’s alleged lack of moderation on its platform. Yet, with no official confirmation from French authorities or further explanations from Telegram, the details remain speculative at best.
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