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Smart Saving Strategies: A Detailed Guide on Growing Your Savings

Saving money is a huge task for most people for various reasons. One of the primary reasons is that the income they earn doesn’t allow them to save. The others who manage to save end up using the amount they initially had. We will be talking about the various ways one can save money while working since they are a crucial part of your financial regime.

What Does The Term Savings Mean?

Savings is the sum of money that one puts aside from his/her income and plans to use it for a later date. In other words, the savings are not used on regular expenses. Most people store their savings in the form of cash in their bank accounts with the aim for the money to gain interest. Others may decide to store their money in assets which could be highly risky and beneficial at the same time because they possess high volatility.

Why Should I Be Interested In Saving Money?

There are various reasons why one should save money. You may be interested in a certain product at a certain point but you may not be able to get it at the moment because your money has already been budgeted. Other reasons may include some of the ones discussed below:

1.     They are a great rescue protocol in emergencies

As mentioned before, savings are not spent immediately. Depending on the duration and the amount you put on the side on a certain basis (it could be weekly, monthly, or even annually), you will realize that at the end of this period, you will collect a certain amount. When an emergency pops up, you will easily be able to access your savings and use them to partially or fully solve the problem at that moment.

This can also be a lifesaver as you don’t always end up having to take huge loans that will have high interest rates in the end.

Also Read: How To Use Crypto Savings Accounts To Earn Interest.

2.     It gives you the chance to be financially independent

Once you start saving money and accumulate a certain amount, you will realize that you can start setting goals that you want to achieve. You could be interested in buying a new house or a new car. You can even decide to quit your job and start your own business venture. You gain total financial freedom as you have a leeway to decide which one you want to use the money for.

3.     It gives you the chance to start planning for your retirement

When you stop working and settle down to retire, you will not be expecting income on a regular basis like you used to in the beginning. Your savings will be your source of funding. Therefore, if you can start saving early for your future, you will have a better chance to help your money start growing.

4.     It encourages discipline

You will nurture your discipline when you save on a regular basis. Setting aside a certain amount within a certain period of time will help you get used to a certain routine and it will soon become a part of your lifestyle.

How Do I Grow My Savings?

There are a variety of techniques that you can use to grow your savings. Let us take a look at some of them below.

1.     Living on a budget

Creating a budget helps you to determine where your money is flowing to. You manage to track all of your expenses and cut down on the ones that are not necessary. Before you sit down to make one, you need to have an idea of all the expenses that you encounter on a daily basis.

One strategy you can use is making sure 20% of your income goes towards your savings.

Also Read: Peer-to-Peer Lending For Passive Income: Essential Tips To Get Started

2.     Coming up with well outlined financial objective

Your financial goals should be realistic and achievable. In most cases, it is advisable to split your long-term goals into short-term goals so that in every step, you can see yourself making progress. At the same time, it helps you allocate a certain amount of money every time.

3.     Creating an emergency fund

Always make sure that before you start saving for anything else, you save up for an emergency fund which will help you in case of a tragic event. Keep the money in a liquid state and in a place where you can easily access it. A regular savings account would be fine.

4.     Transferring a portion of your income automatically to a savings account

You can program your earnings account to slice off a portion of your money which is then taken to a savings account.

5.     Cutting down on your expenses and increasing your income

You can minimize your wants and this will help you to cut down on your expenditure. Getting other sources of income at the same time will increase your money and this can help you save more.

Protecting your savings from inflation:
Inflation reduces the value of your savings. Let us see some of the ways you can prevent inflation from attacking your savings:

  1. Keep an eye on the real rate of return. The real rate of return refers to the rate your savings earn after adjusting to inflation. Invest in things which increase the real rate of return.
  2. Invest in inflation–protected assets.
  3. Add a variety of items to your portfolio to reduce volatility.
  4. Store your savings in assets that bring in high income such as stocks and bonds.

Storing Your Savings In Cryptocurrencies

This will depend on whether you are willing to bear the volatility that comes with the tokens. You should also be able to afford to lose this money because the market is unpredictable. A few tokens such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have shown remarkable progress in gains over time.


Saving is a critical part of your financial life as it provides you with something to fall back on. Get to try out the strategies today and see the progress you make.

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