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NFT 2022. Creativity, money, trends – what is important to know

NFT 2022

A lot of crazy things happened in the world of finance in 2021. Here is the meme cryptocurrency, and the collapse of Chinese stocks, and Trump’s mythical social network, worth more than a billion dollars. But the strangest stories began with sad monkeys. Here’s an example: the owner of a rather rare sad monkey put it up for sale for only $3,000 instead of $300,000. 2021 showed how to build a business selling digital image rights. We spoke with one of the most famous NFT creators in Russia to look at digital art from a different perspective NFT 2022.

NFT – Non-fungible token – non-fungible token. NFT first appeared in 2017 on the Ethereum platform. What distinguishes NFT from other digital assets, said Evgeny Romanenko , an Austrian school economist, host of crypto events, ambassador of the Trustee Wallet crypto wallet NFT 2022:

Bought and can do what I want?

With NFTs, it doesn’t always work that way. When investing in digital art, remember that you acquire certain rights to an image, gif, animation, music track, etc. And often these are not exclusive rights: You can purchase the right to write your name in the history of the meme, no matter how strange it sounds, or the right to listen to the track.

The strangest and most insanely expensive NFTs of 2021

Of course, those dull monkeys with whom we started this whole story fall into our top NFTs. Even according to the most conservative estimates, the cost of one monkey is not less than $300,000. This is a collection of 10,000 images of monkeys, which in total can be valued at $ 3 billion.

A more modest example: in 2011, a video appeared on YouTube showing a cat with a body made of cookies, flying in space and leaving a rainbow trail behind it. So, an NFT token with a cat was sold for $580,000. It ‘s time to ask: ” What’s going on ?”

Okay, monkeys and cookie cat are memes. But what about important digital artifacts related to the history of technology development? In March 2021, Jack Dorsey’s first twit was sold for $2.9 million. With the social network Twitter, everything is clear. But how much would you value the very first edit on Wikipedia? It was sold for $750,000.


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