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Let’s raise the Shibu inu to the sky!

ROBINHOOD CRYPTO 3 1635657039719 1635657049937

Those who are into the topic of cryptocurrency know at least something about burning tokens to fight inflation. And even more so, those who have heard something about Shiba or even bought such coins will remember that they make a whole event out of it when a famous person sends them to a non-existent address. The most famous was probably Vitalik Buterin, who sent an oversized amount of Shib tokens to the Indian Coronavirus Foundation.

Unfortunately, the pace at which this is happening leaves much to be desired. Someone even calculated that even if you burn 2-3 billion every month. coins, then, in order to significantly reduce their total emission, a thousand years must pass.

Asking cryptowhales to burn a lot of Shib would be the solution, right? It will be beneficial for them if everyone does this. Here you will say that game theory comes into play, because every whale will be afraid that if he suddenly sends coins to a dead address, others may not do the same in response, and then the first one will be sad.

So, you can write a smart contract in Ethereum with the condition that if coins are sent from certain addresses on the network to the address of the contract, then it will transfer them to a non-existent address, that is, it will burn them. If at the agreed time, the coins do not arrive from at least one address from the list, then he will return them to the original owners. Thus, every master of dogs will be sure that the common good will be achieved!

As a result of these reflections, I wrote to the official Shib insta, but did not receive a response. So, if anyone knows how to notify the community about this initiative, then I ask you to help (maybe someone has a popular acc on Reddit)

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