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Investing In Islamic Coin: Opportunities And Risks In The Shariah-Compliant Crypto World

Investing In Islamic Coin Opportunities and Risks in the Shariah Compliant Crypto World fotor 20230919122022

In Brief:

Cutting-edge Digital Currency Grounded in Shariah Principles Gears Up for Public Offering

In a significant move, Islamic Coin, a digital currency designed in accordance with the tenets of Shariah law, has taken a giant stride into the public arena by launching its Reg D Token Offering through OpenDeal Broker LLC, doing business as THE CAPITAL R (“ODB”)—a subsidiary of Republic. This groundbreaking development has set the stage for a new era in the realm of digital currencies, one that embraces ethical values and the principles of Islamic finance.

Islamic Coin’s Ethical Crypto Revolution

Islamic Coin, known as ISLM in the digital currency sphere, represents a pioneering endeavour to create a cryptocurrency that aligns with the ethical and moral foundations of Islamic finance. Its unique approach has garnered substantial support from Republic, an influential player in the crowdfunding and investment landscape.

Republic’s involvement extends beyond mere partnership, as it extends to Republic Crypto, the company’s dedicated crypto advisory service. Through this collaboration, Islamic Coin aims to tailor its tokenomics, implement decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance, and ensure sustained economic utility for the Islamic community.

Additionally, this synergy with Republic paves the way for strategic partnerships with potential allies, exchanges, and market participants, further enhancing Islamic Coin’s position in the digital currency ecosystem.

Unlocking Benefits for the Islamic Coin Community

With the launch of this public offering, members of the global Islamic Coin community can look forward to a host of enticing benefits. These include opportunities for providing liquidity, staking their holdings, and participating in the liquidity mining phase, which promises to be a rewarding experience for participants.


A Robust Backing and Strategic Alliances

Islamic Coin’s journey to prominence in the cryptocurrency world has been marked by substantial milestones. Notably, the project recently secured an impressive $193 million in private sales, with contributions from prominent entities such as ABO Capital, DF 101, A195, and Optic Capital. This success reflects the growing interest in Islamic Coin’s vision.

Furthermore, Islamic Coin has established an exclusive integration with DDCAP Group, known for its extensive network of over 300 Islamic banks. This strategic partnership opens up new avenues for growth and adoption within the Islamic financial sector.

Islamic Coin is anchored by HAQQ Network, a blockchain platform fully compliant with Shariah law. It seeks to cater not only to the 1.9 billion-strong Muslim population but also to a global audience that values ethical finance. A notable aspect of Islamic Coin’s mission is its commitment to charitable causes, with 10% of each coin issuance dedicated to philanthropic endeavours.

A Multifaceted Support Network

Backing Islamic Coin’s ambitious journey are prominent figures from the royal families of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, along with experts in Islamic and traditional finance hailing from the financial powerhouses of Wall Street and the City of London.

Securing Your Stake: A Cautionary Note

It’s important to note that this public offering is facilitated by OpenDeal Broker LLC, trading as THE CAPITAL R (“ODB”). However, participation is limited to US Accredited Investors.

As with any investment, it’s crucial to recognize the speculative and risky nature of the endeavour. The value of the investment may experience significant fluctuations, and there is a potential for financial loss. As such, potential investors are encouraged to exercise caution and perform their due diligence.


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