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Indonesian exchange Indodax will list 4 CBG crypto assets this week; CIND; TOKO; SIGNA

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This week, the SIGNA cryptocurrency will be added to trading on the Indonesian exchange Indodax. As stated on the exchange website : Open deposit will start on February 9, 2022 at 14:00 local time, and open trading will begin on February 10, 2022 also at 14:00 local time. Do not miss the opportunity to buy an asset at the very beginning of trading.
As one of the first four (CBG; CIND; TOKO; SIGNA) new crypto assets on Indodax in 2022, Signum offers world-class applications on a sustainable blockchain architecture. Unlike the other three, Signa is interesting in that it is a coin with its own blockchain, and not a token built on ERC20. According to the team, Signum SIGNA crypto assets consume less energy, costs and additional e-waste compared to other crypto assets. Signum provides users and developers around the world with innovative blockchain solutions for everyday life.

What is Signum?
Signum offers reliable blockchain solutions in the most sustainable way. Like bitcoin, Signum provides a crypto asset called Signa, which is distributed, traded and stored using a decentralized ledger system. There are no intermediaries, payment gateways or banks.

But Signum is more than just a crypto asset. As a customizable platform, it is capable of showcasing decentralized applications. And his team says that Signum is truly sustainable and energy-sustainable compared to other crypto assets like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Signum describes itself in its recent white paper as the world’s first truly sustainable blockchain, generating less than 0.002% of bitcoin energy to power the blockchain and using consumer-grade hardware that is easy to reuse, Signum also avoids e-waste (compared to other crypto assets). ).

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