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First NFTs on the TON Network: Mintosaurs and TON Diamonds

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The TON team , after months of work on the blockchain, has already achieved success: the introduction of Tonkeeper and Ton Wallet wallets, listing on popular exchanges (Okex, FTX, EXMO, etc.), integration of Toncoin into Telegram (Wallet and Donate bots), etc.

And on December 22, 2021, an experienced team associated with TON announced the Ton Diamonds project .

After that, Kirill Filimonov ( Give TON!, Tonometer ) announced an NFT meme with utilitarian value – ” Mintosaurs “.

What are these tokens? Should we trust projects? What is their value and why should they be purchased? This review will provide answers to these questions.

It is worth noting that the projects described below can be called, if not official, then close to such, since they are repeatedly mentioned in the posts of the official TON Community RUS channel, by the way, as well as the services of the creator of Mintosaurs.

Let’s start describing the projects, and then my personal opinion about each of them will follow.
NFT from the team ” Give TON!” » with integration into The Open Network ecosystem services.

meme token

The name “Mintosaurs” comes from the word from the world of NFT – “Mint”.

As planned by the creators of “Mintosaurus” – the combination of “Jurassic Park” and “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, and the collection of velociraptors refers to the famous BadComedian meme – a dinosaur in a police hat.

Utility value

NFTs are integrated into the @Tonometerbot social network and the ton. page explorer. In the future, integrations will be extended to other services of the TON ecosystem, and possibly even to Telegram.

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