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Coinbase Partners with Meta and Ripple to Tackle Online Fraud

Coinbase Partners with Meta and Ripple to Tackle Online Fraud

In a significant move to tackle the growing menace of online fraud, prominent cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has announced the formation of a new coalition called ‘Tech Against Scams’. This initiative sees Coinbase teaming up with industry giants such as Meta, Ripple, Gemini, Kraken, Match Group, and the Global Anti-Scam Organization (GASO) to address and mitigate financial scams across the tech industry.

Unified Front Against Online Fraud

The newly established Tech Against Scams coalition is dedicated to addressing the pervasive issue of online fraud and financial schemes. By collaborating with major tech companies, the coalition aims to enhance user protection and education. Coinbase emphasized that online scams are not confined to specific sectors like social media, cryptocurrency, or finance, but are a broader tech-wide issue requiring a united front.

In an official blog post, Coinbase elaborated on the coalition’s goals, stating that it will serve as a primary platform for participating companies to collaborate on combating scam tools, educating consumers, and disrupting emerging financial scams. The coalition’s efforts will include sharing best practices, threat intelligence, and other crucial information to help safeguard users from falling victim to fraud.

Collaborative Efforts for Enhanced Protection

“By sharing insights and knowledge about the lifecycle of scams, we aim to provide resources to educate and protect consumers,” said a representative from Coinbase. “Our collaboration across sectors will enhance visibility and help us develop evolving best practices to combat rapidly evolving scams, such as ‘pig butchering’.”

The coalition’s comprehensive approach is designed to stay ahead of scammers by understanding their methods and developing strategies to counteract them effectively. This proactive stance is crucial in an era where financial scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated and widespread.

Also Read: Crypto Phishing Scam: Investor Loses $100k+

The Financial Impact of Online Scams

The scale of financial scams is staggering, with Coinbase estimating that global consumers lose approximately $1.4 trillion to these schemes annually. In the United States alone, the financial losses reported by the public exceeded $12.5 billion in 2023, marking a 22% increase from the previous year, according to the FBI’s annual Internet Crime Report.

Investment frauds led the digital crime category, accounting for $4.57 billion in losses—a 38% increase from the previous year. Notably, around $4 billion of these losses were attributed to cryptocurrency investment fraud, highlighting the urgent need for collaborative efforts to protect consumers in the digital asset space.


The Tech Against Scams coalition represents a critical step towards combating online fraud. By leveraging the combined expertise and resources of leading tech companies, the initiative aims to create a safer digital environment for consumers. The partnership underscores the importance of industry-wide cooperation in addressing and mitigating the impact of financial scams.

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