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Brian Armstrong, Coinbase CEO Declares App Broken For UX

Brian Armstrong Coinbase CEO Declares App Broken For UX

The Coinbase CEO has stated that the application will be undergoing major upgrades for the next two weeks.

Onchain Summer Reveals UX Is Broken

The Onchain summer event is an event that deals with the launching of various products, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and brand activations. It began on the 9th and will be running up to the 31st of August. Brian Armstrong said that during this event, a lot of highlights concerning Coinbase have come up. This is in reference to decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens.

In an X (formerly Twitter) post, he expressed this view. He went ahead and asked the viewers as well as other users of X to share their thoughts. Through this, they can start prioritizing their actions and where they need to put more attention. This has led to him declaring the next two weeks necessary for major updates.

The responses shared on the post

One of the viewers, Friendtech developer Racer, asked for a credit card that could easily carry out transactions without having to create a new separate account. Another request was if the Coinbase developers could start fixing the issue of the connection between the Coinbase mobile wallet and Google Chrome. The CEO made a remark on how the issue had gone on for a longer time than expected.

As per reports, one of the guests who starred as an interviewee put the blame on the independence and irreversible nature that comes with blockchain-based applications. Kirthana Devaser, XGo content manager, said that the only way to increase adoption would be for major focus to be laid on sleek UI and enabling invisibility on blockchain technology.

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